The Prompts:
1. The moment you realized you were a grown up (first time I had to plunge the toilet)
2. What is the joy at your present moment? (my dish soap, thank you Procter and Gamble)
3. You have to move away from your state for one month. List 6 destination you wouldn't mind relocating to (The Coast of Maine, Uncle Michael And Neenie's Lake, Saluda, NC, Savannah, GA, The Lake District in northern England, The Scottish Highlands)
4. Write a blog post inspired by the word Blossom (remember that show? My sister Melissa looks just like Blossom - I kid you not, even to this day, she looks just like Blossom!)
5. Instagram fun! Share a photo you took with Instagram this week and tell us what you love about it
I choose you number 5
With my own spin of course because I would not be me without taking some poetic licenses
Plus, I have no idea how to use Instagram or if I have one
So I'm just going to share a photo I took with my iPhone
Which I imagine is as close to Instagram as I'll get .... because you know, they both begin with I
So allow me to share a photo I took and tell you what I love about it
Here's the photo I took with the intention of sending it to our families
It's Lucy's homework assignment from Tuesday which, as you can see, was to write and illustrate what she did on her spring vacation
When I pulled this sheet out of her bag, I immediately smiled
The colors alone made me smile
And truthfully, Lucy's art work always makes me smile
Then, as I read what she wrote, tears sprang to my eyes
I was overwhelmed and almost crippled with the love and happiness this little being brings to
my life
I read it again
Studied the pictures
And then tears flowed down my face
I cried because as we left Noni and Papa's house last week to head back to Boston, Lucy declared it was the best vacation ever
She couldn't believe Papa was such a good bowler
And that Cousin Cooper was so big and tall
That she got to do yoga with Auntie Cheetie
She was thrilled she got to go to Auntie Flea's house all by herself
And that Noni went to the movies with us was just us three girls....and Noni ate popcorn and candy with us!!!
And Noni gives her orange juice in a special glass and cuts up her bananas so they taste better
I called my mother as we were pulling off the highway to let her know we were home
When we hung up, Lucy asked from the back seat
Hey Mumma?
Yeah honey?
Can we always go back to Maine to see Noni and Papa?
Yes honey, of course
Good Mumma, they make me happy
Me too Goose, me too
I cried because her birthday party was so special to her
She did the guest list and only wanted to invite a few friends
But she also asked that Tony, Rita, Kristen, Auntie Dodo, Uncle Michael and Neenie be invited
That night, after everyone was gone, she said to me
Mumma, I don't think I want a lot of friends
What do you mean honey I asked
I just want friends who love me and hug me when they leave my house
I think those are the best kind and every one hugged us when they left...they even hugged you and Daddy! The kids and the grown ups!
And Mumma
Yes sweetie
You and Daddy made me a really good Pokemon birthday party.....thanks
And I cried because the last picture, of Lucy and her Dad, sitting on the couch watching Star Wars was just.........
For my husband, and for many out there I'm sure, showing Star Wars (the first Star Wars circa 1977-1983 which we know are actually episodes 4, 5, and 6 but for a generation will always be the original Star Wars movies) is like a rite of passage
A rite of passage like
The first lost tooth
The first day of school
Having "The Talk"
Teaching them to drive
Sending them off on their first date
The first heartbreak
Having a drink with them on their 21st birthday
Graduating college
Birth of the first grandchild
These are all rites of passage we as parents go through with our kids
And for Sean, sharing Star Wars with Lucy is the one he has been the most excited about
So together they watched Star Wars and the Empire Strikes back
Side by side over two days
Lucy asked a million questions and hopped around all excited as characters she has heard her Dad talk about were finally brought to life for her
Sean patiently paused the movie and answered all Lucy's questions
Eventually, she just fell quiet and watched the movie snuggled up against her Dad
She's gagging to watch Return of the Jedi
And both of them dork out and get giddy watching the trailer for The Force Awakens
Lucy came to the kitchen table where I was sitting
Mumma can I have a snack please she asked
Sure baby I said sniffling and trying to brush the tears away
Why are you crying? Why are you crying?
There was a twinge of panic in her voice
Was work bad again today Mumma?
I love you.....
Oh Luce
I leaned down and hugged her
No honey, no its not work
Work was ok
Why are you crying then
Why are you so sad
I'm not sad sweetie, I'm, well, I just.....
Lucy do you have any idea how much I love you
How happy you make me
In true fashion, she rolled her eyes and tipped her head back and said with exasperation
Oh Mumma she said as she patted my leg
Are you getting all "don't grow up Lucy, don't be more than 6"
Mumma I told you, I have to grow up
That's how God invented us
We get born
We're a kid for a few whiles
Then we're teenagers
Then we're all grown up
No one can stop it Mumma, no one.....not even you
And with that, she helped herself to a snack from the refrigerator
She hugged my legs on her way back by, and said
I love you!
You're my best Mumma!
And there you have it
What I love about my Instagram iPhoto picture is simply The Artist
The Artist known as Lucy