Yes, this was my idea because I thought it would be nice to keep our family and friends in touch with us as we welcomed Lucy Ellen in April...and everyone is more interested in you when you have a baby...for a few months anyway.....
So I thought what better way than this blogging thing I keep hearing about - Uncle Michael's wife Maureen was the one who actually suggested it - both her sons/daughters-in-law just had babies and they live far away so they blog to keep Maureen in the loop - so I suggested to Sean we do a he started a website...and after a tussle or two and a bit of whining from me, he created "The Blog" which I then ignored....not sure who I thought would post on it...but apparently its supposed to be me
So now I sit on a a lazy Saturday morning watching my daughter drool on herself in her Bumbo Chair as her tongue sticks out like MJ (that would be Jordan not Jackson for non basketball fans and the British) and every few moments she lets out a shriek (of delight not rage) just to remind us that she's here.
Sean has turned on "Grease" and is thoroughly engrossed watching John Travolta's Danny Zuko trying to figure out what sport would impress Sandy.....he's settled on track and Sean breathes a sigh of relief....Danny Zuko has found something he excels at!
Lucy is demanding some attention and Sean keeps asking what we should do I'm content pretending I'm blogging but really stealing glances at my family trying to figure out how I got so lucky
I thought I would write about how Lucy and I spent our maternity leave days together (trying to figure one another out, trying to figure out what would keep our crying to a minimum and trying to understand what stresses new moms out so much because frankly, I enjoyed every minute of it including the 3am feedings)......
Or I thought I would write about all the cute stuff Lucy has done (like the day I was talking to her and she fell asleep...but I'm pretty sure she was faking it because when I stopped talking and turned away, I caught her out of the corner of my eye opening one of her eyes and when she saw I was still there, she squeezed her eyes shut!)....
But writing is harder than I thought it would be....I find myself trying to be witty and funny and given that I am neither, I'm suffering from writer's block which I think is actually performance anxiety....
Sean is singing along to Beauty School Drop Out.....his head is swaying and his toes are tapping - Lucy is eating her burp cloth and when she catches me looking at her, flashes me a big gummy smile...Life is good
Hi Maria and Sean, Glad you finally took the step and started your blog. Good job!! We will look forward to seeing you and Lucy on the web, Love Maureen