Monday, October 14, 2013

Between Lucy and I

Hey Mumma
Yeah Lucy
Do I like Chinese Food
Hmm, I'm not sure honey, you've never had it
Well, I've been thinking....I might be ready to give it a try....I've been feeling pretty brave lately

Hey Lucy
Yeah Mumma
How would you like Ben and Chase to come over to play Sunday
Why I'd be delighted Mumma

Hey Mumma
Yeah Lucy
What do you think about alligators...for a pet
Uhh, I don't
You should Mumma

Hey Lucy
Yeah Mumma
Could you please pick up your dirty clothes and put them in the hamper
Where's the fun in that Mumma

Hey Mumma
Yeah Lucy
Can I get a wolf dog
No Lucy
Can I get a St Bernard or a German Shepard
No Lucy
Fine, then I'll settle for an Oreo

Hey Lucy
Yeah Mumma
I love you
Of course you do Mumma, that's your job

Maria the Mum

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