New Words
Ball, Up and Bubble
New Game
Mummy or Daddy chases her with the Fisher Price Corn Popper Push Toy while she runs through the house pushing her Stroll Along Walker (baby doll rides in the stroller bouncing around the whole time and occasionally bouncing out which makes Lucy laugh like crazy)
New Bag
I was in Target a couple weeks ago scoping out the Dollar Section when I came across these little bags with animals on I picked a few up, the favorite being the blue bag with the monkey on it. As soon as Lucy saw it, she started making the monkey noise. We use it to carry her things back and forth from Puddle Duck.
When I picked her up Monday, she insisted on carrying the bag out to the car - she dragged it most of the way. When we got home, I got out of the car and as I always do, slipped the handles of my tote bag on the crook of my arm. When Lucy got out of the car, she again insisted upon carrying her monkey bag...when I handed it to her, she slipped the handles into the crook of her arm and proceeded to make her way to the front door with the bag bouncing off her legs as the handle slipped down her arm and bumped off the ground. She lost her footing a couple times but each time she recovered, she hoisted the bag back into the crook of her arm, tossed her head back and continued on her way.
Tea Parties, Rocks and Acorns
Lucy has friend at Puddle Duck called Catherine. She's about a year older than Lucy and the two of them are great friends. Catherine looks after Lucy (especially now that Lucy is in the Toddler Room with her) and when I see Catherine, always tells me to "Pick Lucy up and take her home! I'm going home, Lucy go home too! Take her home!"
The other day, Catherine’s Mum Liz tells me that Catherine got a tea set for her birthday and they now have tea parties.....
Not to be outdone, I inform Liz that Lucy eats rocks and acorns that she forages for in the back yard....she also hoards said rocks and acorns in her pockets...and my pockets and my purse, and on the front porch, the back deck, her wagon, my car, Daddy's car, Daddy's pockets......
Art Work
Now that Lucy is in the Toddler Room, she is starting to do more art projects and every other day, I find a new masterpiece in Lucy’s mailbox at Puddle Duck. She is quite proud of her creations and takes great pleasure in showing them off and screeching with delight as I praise her efforts. The other day, she came home with a seashell she had decorated with stickers and crayon scribbles. This is my favorite piece so far and will forever be proudly displayed next to the Waterford Clock my mother gave us when we got married.
The Ocean
Lucy took her first dip in the ocean this past weekend. We were up in Rockport and saw our friend Cynthia. She lives a mere 10 minute walk down to the beach. Initially, she hated it! The waves were loud, the water was cold, her feet were disappearing in the sand and there was seaweed everywhere! So she sat in the sand with Daddy and they made a couple sand castles. Then she spied a group of big kids playing in the waves, laughing and having fun. So she let Daddy scoop her up and they wandered out a bit stepping into a couple waves watching the water bounce off Daddy and splashing them both in the face. I waited for a scream but instead, I heard peals of laughter and looked up to see her clapping and bouncing on her Dad's arms waiting for the next wave to bump into them...... Next thing we know, she is laughing and screaming. 45 minutes later, we drag her from the water...teeth chattering, lips blue, diaper full of sand, lungs full of fresh sea air and a big grin on her face. She was sound asleep before the beach was even out of sight!
Elmo picked Lucy up from Puddle Duck
Monday when I picked up Lucy, I opened the door to the Toddle Room and Lucy was on the floor playing with Lisa. When she turned around and saw me, a grin crept across her face and she ran towards me with her arms open yelling ELMO!
Talking Tom, Operation Say Mummy Phase IA
I downloaded this application for my iPad called Talking Tom. It’s this cartoon cat that repeats everything you say. So I’m using him to teach Lucy to say Mummy. “Say Mummy, Mummy, Mummy, Mummy…say Mummy Lucy!”
It’s not working…she just laughs and pets Tom which in turn makes him purr……
Temper Tantrum in Target
On our way home tonight, I decided to stop at Target as I had to return a Safety Lock (was there anything wrong with it? the girl at the customer service desk asked. No, I replied, my husband and I just could not figure out how it worked.....) and pick a few things up....and Lucy was in a good mood so I figured we'd be fine for a quick 15 minute trip.
And Lucy was great...until I realized I forgot the light bulbs and we had to walk all the way over to the opposite corner of the store (way in the back I might add) She had been quite cute and endearing up to this point flirting with people as we walked by and even calling out DAADDY to one very nice and patient man. So we're standing in the light bulb aisle and all of a sudden, Lucy loses it. She just starts screaming and next thing I know, she's standing up in the seat of the carriage (yes, she was strapped in but the little imp has figured out how to pop the buckle enough to wiggle out of it) and screaming at the top of her lungs. She screamed, she yelled, she cried, she flayed about and threw her head from side to side and screamed some more. The nice man also happened to be in the same part of the store and asked if I needed help…how sweet…and sad for me!
I debated calling 911 or a priest but instead, I scooped her up, gave her a snuggle and tried to talk her off the ledge. I was talking softly to her and she quieted down...but when I went to put her back in the carriage, she would stretch her body and tense her arms and legs so I could not bend her back into the I would stop and snuggle her and again, talk to her softly trying to calm her down.......four tries and 15 minutes later, we were still in the light bulb aisle. Know what the definition of insanity is................
Finally, I wrestled Lucy into the carriage and made my way to the checkout, with Lucy screaming and crying all the while me talking to her trying to calm her down. She screamed all the way home and only stopped when we arrived at the house and she caught sight of the oil truck. Lucy loves trucks…and John (our oil guy) also happens to have Scooby Doo painted on the side of his truck (no, I don’t know why)…Lucy saw the truck, saw the dog and her tears stopped…and then John handed her a couple stickers with Scooby Doo on them and she actually cracked a smile….
First public temper tantrum CHECK!
Elmo, the Mum
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